World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees and Societies (World Bank)

How can countries and people better benefit from migration? How can refugees be protected, and their means of livelihood secured? How should the world deal with changes in global demographics? These issues are addressed in the World Bank's World Development Report 2023.

Populations across the globe are aging at an unprecedented pace, making many countries increasingly reliant on migration to realize their long-term growth potential. The World Development Report 2023: Migrants, Refugees, and Societies, identifies this trend as a unique opportunity to make migration work better for economies and people.

Beyond this demographic shift, the forces driving migration are also changing, making cross-border movements more diverse and complex. Today, destination and origin countries span all income levels, with many countries such as Mexico, Nigeria, and the U.K. both sending and receiving migrants. The number of refugees nearly tripled over the last decade. Climate change threatens to fuel more migration. 

The report underscores the urgency of managing migration better. The goal of policymakers should be to strengthen the match of migrants’ skills with the demand in destination societies, while protecting refugees and reducing the need for distressed movements. The report provides a framework for policymakers on how to do this.

For further information please read the full report here.

Publication Date:
Tue 25 Apr 2023
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