What role could digital technologies play in the New EU Pact on Migration and Asylum? (MPI)

This MPI Europe Policy Brief explores how digital technologies could be leveraged to support the implementation of the pact and where caution is merited. It also discusses the broader implications of digitalization in migration and asylum systems and reflects on how policymakers can set appropriate governance models and safeguards to ensure responsible use of new technologies.

The MPI Europe Policy Brief underlines inter alia that:

  • The New Pact on Migration and Asylum offers an opportunity for European policymakers to more fully tap into the potential of digital technologies when implementing the new legal framework and, more broadly, to rethink the growing use of technology in asylum and migration systems.
  • Digital tools could be used, for instance:
    • to facilitate the relocation of asylum seekers and refugees among Member States 
    • to support the return and reintegration of those determined not to have a right to stay
    • to ease the screening of new arrivals and the processing of asylum claims at the border
  • Policymakers will need to test any new tools carefully and weigh the potential benefits and risks.

The MPI share some recommendations in this regard, including:

  • Developing appropriate governance frameworks to regulate aspects such as data protection, oversight, and accountability as well as access to resource for those affected by new technologies.
  • Creating a strategic vision for the use of new technologies in migration and asylum systems.
  • Fostering co-creation and partnerships between migration and digital experts.
  • Allocating sufficient funding for digitalisation efforts. 
  • Striking the right balance between standardisation and flexibility.
  • Piloting new tools, conducting risks assessments, and embedding monitoring and evaluation mechanisms into digitalisation plans. 
  • Investing in the digital savviness of actors charged with using new tools. 

For further details, please read the Policy Brief attached above.

Publication Date:
do 14 dec 2023