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This ACP-EU Council of ministers addressed questions of migration and discussed progress in the ongoing ACP-EU dialogue on migration. Ministers agreed to reach concrete results to strengthen the operational cooperation in the areas of visa, remittances and readmission over the coming year.
Hoofdthema: Migration, External Dimension
Trefwoorden: ACP

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Final conference of the European TCN's project on migration and integration of third-country nationals in Europe, carried out by higher educational institutes in Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Malta and the UK. When: 27 May 2011 Where: Hotel Corbie Mol, Corbiestraat 64, 2400 Mol/Belgium

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The King Baudouin Foundation (KBF) launches a call for papers on research on migration and integration policy Deadline for papers: 19 October 2011

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The Centre for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) invites to an evening lecture followed by a debate on the theme 'Education in Intercultural Society' Where: Kapel Grauwzusters, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp When: 17 May, 18-19.30h

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Conference organized by the King Baudouin Foundation in the framework of MIPEX, a comparative study of integration policies of immigrants Date and place: 13/05/2011, 14-17h, BIP, Place Royale 10-11, 1000 Brussels

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Between 11 - 29 July 2011, the Refugee Studies Centre of the University of Oxford holds its annual summer school in forced migration
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional
Trefwoorden: forced migration

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On 13 May 2011, the 7th EMN Steering Board meeting will take place in Brussels
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional

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On 12 May 2011, the Namur-based non-profit organisation Centre for Intercultural Action for the Namur-Province (CAINAMUR) launches its annual series of mini-conferences
Hoofdthema: Cross-sectional

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Urgent action or Wait and see? – The nexus of climate change and migration
Hoofdthema: Migration, Vulnerable groups
Trefwoorden: climate change

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Eurostat publiceerde op 29 maart 2011 vergelijkende data over asielaanvragen in de lidstaten van de Europese unie in 2010

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The European Commission presented an EU agenda for reinforcing the rights of the child. It includes a series of concrete actions, including promoting specific safeguards and procedural guarantees for children seeking asylum and child specific reception measures.

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The federal State Secretary for Migration and Asylum Policies Melchior Wathelet has given a pressconference presenting the asylum and migration policies in 2010 and providing an overview of some statistical data.

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Om de vooruitgang van migranten in het gastland beter op te volgen en om te identificeren waar beleidsmaatregelen nodig zijn, is er behoefte aan longitudinale data op gebied van asiel en migratie.
Hoofdthema: Statistieken