Publication date: 19 April 2024

On the 20th Anniversary of the Family Reunification Directive, this Inform offers a thorough examination of family reunification practices and legislation for beneficiaries of international protection across EMN Member and Observer Countries. It specifically looks at the procedures in place for applying for family reunification and how these have evolved considering recent (since 2017) case law before the European Court of Justice (CJEU), and where relevant the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Publication date: 22 October 2018

As independent National Rapporteur on trafficking in human beings for Belgium, for over 20 years Myria has carried out a yearly independent policy evaluation. In its latest report on Human Trafficking and Smuggling Myria focuses on underage victims of trafficking and smuggling of human beings.  
Main theme: Smuggling & Trafficking
Publication Type: Report
Keywords: minors of age

Publication date: 27 September 2011

This Eurostat publication is providing a detailed overview of the asylum applications and decisions in the EU27 in 2011.

Publication date: 08 April 2011

This Eurostat publication provides a detailed overview of the asylum applications and decisions in the EU27 in 2010.

Publication date: 19 January 2011

This quarterly Eurostat publication gives an insight into recent developments in international protection including applicants for asylum and decisions on asylum applications. These data are supplied to Eurostat by the national Ministries of Interior and related official agencies.

Publication date: 07 October 2010

Eurostat states that around 15 000 fewer asylum applicants were registered in the EU27 during the first half of 2010 compared to the same period in 2009