Publication date: 12 September 2022

To what extent do Member States consider the distinct situation of migrant women in their integration policies and measures? This study focuses on the main areas covered by the EU Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 that support the integration of migrant women for example in education and training, employment and skills, health and housing as these are considered by the Action Plan the base for societal integration.
Main theme: Integration
Publication Type: Thematic Studies
Keywords: migrant women

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The colloquium has selected experts from different backgrounds such as academic, public administration, non-governmental and international organisations, press, medical, etc. to discuss the vulnerability of women in their migration process.

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Project applications submitted under the Call for Proposals on Actions in the area of Integration should be submitted no later than today, 29 February 2016.

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The symposium is organized by Public Policy Exchange, in partnership with the Centre for Parliamentary Studies.