The organization of reception facilities for asylum seekers in different Member States (EMN Inform)

This EMN Inform summarizes the key findings of the corresponding EMN study which aimed to identify good practices and mechanisms to allow for flexible and efficient reception facilities whilst maintaining the quality of reception conditions.

Background information

This EMN Inform summarises the findings from the EMN Study "The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in different Member States" which addressed:

  • Similarities/Differences in the organisation of reception facilities (organisation);
  • Similarities/Differences in material reception conditions (legislation/quality);
  • Good practices in handling pressure on their reception system (flexibility);
  • Factors impacting on the in- and outflow of applicants (efficiency)

EMN Inform: some findings

  • The organisation of reception facilities differs greatly between (Member) States but also within some (Member) States at sub-state level. Differences exist in the type of facilities and in the actors involved in the provision of reception.
  • Coordination, implementation and (external) control mechanisms could be further developed as a tool to ensure homogeneity and to allow for the recognition and sharing of good practices.
  • The special reception needs of vulnerable persons are taken into account by (Member) States but further efforts are required to ensure that the appropriate standards are met.
  • Most (Member) States report having experienced pressure on their asylum system between 2008 and 2012/2013 (resulting from various reasons).
  • There are good practice approaches to ensure flexibility of reception systems, including strategies to prepare, mitigate and respond to pressure on the asylum reception system and management of reception as a chain (i.e. from inflow, reception, procedure, outflow, to return/integration)

The Inform goes into further details inter alia about (i) which types of applicants are entitled to reception facilities, (ii) which actors are involved in the provision of reception, (iii) what factors influence the allocation of applicants to different types of reception facilities, (iv) national legislation concerning material reception conditions, (v) control mechanisms in place to ensure quality standards at reception facilities, (vi) flexibility mechanisms applied to handle pressure on the reception system, (vii) measures to improve the efficiency of reception facilities.

Publication Date:
Thu 14 Aug 2014
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