Illegally Resident Third Country Nationals in Belgium (EMN)

What are the rights of third country nationals residing illegally in Belgium, including access to medical care, housing and social security? How numerous are they and which difficulties are theirs? This study responds to these questions and also examines measures taken to address such issues.

About the study:

Illegal immigration is particularly difficult to counter because of lower prices for international transport, the demand for cheap and flexible

labor in some sectors, the presence of communities and the existence of transnational networks that facilitate the so called "migration industry". Cooperation with transit copuntries and countries of origin is crucial. However practical difficulties often make difficult the removal of such persons. Other measures relating to the right to work, financial assistance, work inspection and others are implemented to reduce the attractiveness of the country. Many questions about the impact of illegal immigration on migrants, their communities and the host community are discussed in more detail in this study.

This study is available in English only.

Author: The Belgian Contact Point of the European Migration Network
Publication Date:
Tue 01 Nov 2005
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