Asylum applicants and first instance decisions on asylum applications 2013 in the EU28 (Eurostat)

This Eurostat publication (data in focus) provides an overview of asylum applications and first instance decisions for the year 2013 in the EU.

Eurostat data in focus

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The report provides the following information:

  • There was al arge increase to almost 435 000 asylum applicants registered in the EU28 in 2013, which is nearly 100 00 more compared to 2012.
  • The highest number of applicants was registered in Germany (127 000 applicants, or 29%), followed by France (65 000, or 15%) and Sweden (54 000, or 13%).
  • Germany and Hungary have seen a huge increase in asylum applications in 2013, compared to 2012.
  • Syria (50 000 asylum applicants, or 12% of the total number of applicants) became in 2013 the first main country of origin, ahead of Russia (41 000 or 10%) and Afghanistan (26 000 or 6%).
  • Compared with the population of each Member State, the highest rates of applicants registered were recorded in Sweden (5 700 applicants per milion inhabitants), Malta (5 300), Austria (2 100), Luxembourg (2 000), Hungary and Belgium (both 1900).
  • 1 out of 4 asylum applicants in the EU28 was aged less than 18 in 2013 while 1 out of 3 was a female.
  • In some Member States, a large proportion of the applicants come from a single country. The Member States with the highest concentrations were Poland (84% of the applicants came from Russia), Latvia (76% from Georgia), Romania (68% from Syria) and Bugaria (63% from Syria).
  • In 2013 in the EU28, 65% of first instance decisions made on asylum applications were rejections, while 15% applicants were granted refugee status, 14% subsidiairy protection and 5% authorisation to stay for humanitarian reasons.

The report is also available on the Eurostat website. The report is only available in English.

Publication Date:
Mon 07 Apr 2014
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