Call for Papers: Population Change and Europe

The UCSIA workshop welcomes researchers, doctoral students and other experts to share and discuss their scholarly ideas and practices on Population Change and Europe: Thinking Beyond the Demographic Divide . The date for submitting your proposal is 15 January 2012.


About the workshop:

The workshop Population Change and Europe: Thinking Beyond the Demographic Divide focuses on recent demographic developments and trends in international migration in the European region. We focus specifically on the way policies – both at the national and European level - have tried to counter or strengthen these developments. The workshop intends to stimulate an interdisciplinary reflection on these developments, their causes and future implications.

About the call for papers:

The UCSIA workshop welcomes researchers, doctoral students and other experts to share and discuss their scholarly ideas and practices on Population Change and Europe: Thinking Beyond the Demographic Divide .

The date for submitting your proposal is 15 January 2012. Submissions are subject to a blind refereeing process. The reviewing process will evaluate these extended abstracts. The selection of participants will be communicated by the beginning of February 2012.

Your paper proposal should discuss one of the following subtopics:

Social Policy, Migration and a New Population Equilibrium - The Case of North-West Europe:
What are the reasons for thinking that some European countries are reaching a population equilibrium? Do social and family policies have a (long-term) influence on population figures and composition? How does migration influence the population composition in North West Europe and what are the long-term effects (replacement migration)? How do the fertility rates of migrants change overtime; do migrants develop the same life trajectories as the autochthonous population? Is immigration indispensible to keep the European social security system intact?

Political Change, Economic Challenges and Population Decline - The Case of Eastern Europe and Russia:
What are the reasons for population decline in Eastern Europe? What is the influence of political change of the communist and post-communist regime on fertility, population numbers and composition in Eastern Europe? How do economic stress, poverty, low prosperity prospects and (female) emigration aspirations influence these developments? What strategies can be developed to alter current trends of population decline? Can we draw parallels with periods of population decline and emigration in European history?

SocietalChange, Political Revolution and the Aspirations of a Booming Young Population - The Case of the Middle East:
Does a booming young population irreversibly lead to social unrest and political revolution? How does the recent Arab spring and opening up of countries have an effect on migratory trajectories and European immigration? Are there historical examples of this type of demographic evolution and s it possible to compare the effects on social and political evolutions? How can governments satisfy the increased socio-economic aspirations of these young citizens and how did different layers of government dealt with comparable topics in the past?

International Migration- Ethical and Political Challenges for Europe:
Although the scale and intensity of international migration changed considerably, policies to differentiate between qualified (and often welcome) workers and unwelcome migrants are not new. Furthermore these policies do not only have an impact on domestic society but also alter the international community (overpopulation, youth bulges, ageing societies, migration). These developments can put geopolitical relations and power balances in the world under pressure and offer ethical and political challenges for governments on a local, national and international level. Is it possible to bring together the needs of European societies (to uphold their living standard) and those of the sending countries (societal progress)? Is population control a suitable policy instrument to manage migration and development?

More information on the UCSIA website

Publicatiedatum: wo 18 jan 2012